zaka odo te bo NET EJA SECTION 1.4 OVERVIEW OF TYPES OF EXPERIMENTAL DESIGNS 15 > OI — NI IOOOOII o oo —— in the previous example were taken from five different litters. Rats from the same litter can be expected to be more homogeneous with respect to genetic characteristics than rats from different litters. In Table 1.4-3 the 3 rats in lation igue h : z OLETS each row"that comprise a block are from the same litter. Differences rs are among the litters can be regarded as a nuisance variable that is experi- >. mentally isolated through the use of a randomized block design. The wvided subscripts of X,; designate a particular litter and treatment level, in that order. Diferences among the column means reflect treatment effects, whereas differences among the row means reflect litter effects. TABLE 1.4-3 Randomized Biock Design ae a ra A II ŽE rž an nn rr nn Treatment Levels of the Block means t he bes Block (litter) p, ; he ob- Block (litter) p X.. imator Block liner P3 o - ock (litter) p, s: Ena Block (liter) ps X,. arrip- Treatment means < X., X., X., Grand mean < X.. n intui- Assignment of the three treatment levels to the rats is randomized indepen- tion of dently for each row. The linear model for this design is e SCOTES Xj