12 INTRODUCTION TO BASIC CONCEPTS IN EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN A OOODODDOOOOOTT TABLE 1.4-1 Outline of Experimentai Designs Described in this Book Abbreviated Experimental Design Designation I. Systematic Designs 11. Randomized Designs A. Complete Block Designs 1. Completely randomized design CR-k? 2. Randomized block design RB-k 3. Latin sguare design LS-k 4. Graeco-Latin sguare design GLS-k 5. Hyper-Graeco-Latin sguare design HGLS-k B. Incomplete Block Designs : |. Balanced incomplete block design BIB-r 2. Youden sguare balanced incomplete block design YBIB-: 3. Partially balanced incomplete block design PBIB-t C. Factorial Experiments 1. Completely randomized factorial design CRF-pg 2. Randomized block factorial design RBF-pg 3. Completely randomized hierarchal design CRH-pig) 4. Completely randomized partial hierarchal design CRH-pig)r 5. Split-plot design SPF-p.g 6. Randomized block completely confounded factorial design RBCF-p' 7. Randomized block partially confounded factorial design RBPF-p' 8. Latin sguare completely confounded factorial design LSCF-p' 9. Completely randomized fractional factorial design CRFF-p' 10. Randomized block fractional factorial design RBFF-p' 11. Latin sguare fractional factorial design LSFF-p' 12. Graeco-Latin sguare fractional factorial design GLSFF-p' D. Analysis of Covariance Experiments 1. Completely randomized analysis of covariance design CRAC-k 2. Randomized block analysis of covariance design RBAC-k - 3. Latin sguare analysis of covariance design LSAC-k 4. Completely randomized factorial analysis of covariance design CRFAC-pg S. Split-plot factorjal analysis of covariance design SPFAC-p.g "The letteris) following the dash designates the number and levels of each treatment. Refer to chapters in which the designs are discussed for an explanation of the abbreviated designations. categories, factorial experiments and analysis of covariance experiments. The former pseudocategory is so designated because a factorial experiment consists of a combination of elementary building block designs. The term factorial experiment refers to the simultaneous evaluation of two or more treatments in one experiment rather than to a distinct kind of experimental design. Analysis of covariance experiments combine building block designs with regression analysis procedures and thus do not represent a distinct type of design. A brief description of some of the simpler designs follows. COMPLETELY RANDOMIZED DESIGN The simplest complete block experimental design from the stand- point of assignament of subjects to treatment levels and statistical analysis