LeR če of the summary table shdaws the main effect0f the factor that does not have repeated measures and error-between. The within-subjects part consists of the main effect of the repeated measures factor, the interaction betusen. the two factors, and the error within. Follow-up analysis: If one (or both) of the main effects is significant and if there are three or more levels associated with thatffactor, a multi- ple comparison test is desirable to find out where the significant differ- ences lie among the main effect means. If the interaction is significant tests of simple main effects are applicable to find out the cause of the observed interaction. In conducting tests of simple main effects, some auth- ors compare the various groups in the study at each separate level of the repeated measures variable, while others apply the test for each group, comparing that orsupte performance across the repeated measures variable, Also, it could be done in both directions. 2. Lindguist Type III ANOVA's This type involves three factors and repeated measures across the levels of one of the factors." Research guestionsr Research guestions of Type III deal with main effects of the three factors including the one with repeated measures, three first order interactinons, and a second order interaction of the three factors. Reporting the results: The various sources of interaction are divided into two sections as in the case of the Type I, between-subjects and within-: subjects. In the between-subjects part, two main effects and one first or- der interactionare contained whereas in the latter section, one main effect ( of the factor with repeated measures), two first order interactions, and one second-order interaction. Follow-up analyses: If the results indicate a significant main effect and