() Campbell and Stanley "Experimental and Ouasi-Experimental Dosigns for Researoh" (p. 1-12) Abstraste The authors are concerned vith the threats to validity on various ezporimental designs. They view experinontation as basic in the evolution of knowledge. Thresto to internal and external $alidity are defined. 'Thros pre-experimental designs are presented and their handling of the various threats to internal validity are examined, Through the exsminaticn of 16 research designs in the light of 12 threats to validity, the authors intond to provide guidanes in the selsetion of designs that may provido "adeguate and proper data to whieh to apply statistical procedure." (p. 1) The firat section of their paper introduces the problem and examines three "pre-experimental" 6 desigmns. | A vezy high value is placed on exporinentstion as ",..the only " means for settling disputed,.." (p, 2) The suthors give it a very basic positden in their perspective on knovledze. "(I)t is a refinžng process superimposed upon the probabijr valusble cumulations of vise prsctice.," (po 4) In other words, experimontatio: is a means of testing the meaning of experience, dMivancement is characterized by "continuous, multiple experinentabdon", They do note that we should not expect that the results of testing rival theorlen to be unembiguous. Biven the authors? perupsotivos, it would zeem likelj that when opposing views are presented by those competent to state then, that they would all be partially rit.