a confounding factor. A final difficulty in this area is that often you o can't randomize who is in a class. The solution is to use the classroom as a unit. When performing statistical tests Campbell and Stanley say that both assignment to groups and sampling must be random. It is acceptable to do a t-test on gain score or use pretest scores as a covariate. The second design is the Solomon Four-Group design diagrammed below: ROO, X MO, RO O; Cy K X Os K O, I£ 032201, 0220,, 05206, 05203 inference is much stronger.(A 2x2 ANOVA can be used for analyzing this design). The main effect of testing and the interaction of testing and X are both determinable, However other problems remain and this method reguires a high expenditure of effort that may not be worth it. e Design 6 is shown below: X O, R O, | This design recognižes that a pretest is not essential, Sometimes it is e hard to admin ster er have am ofuke recommended that this design be used as a pretest would. However where pretest scores are already available the first design should be used since the statistical tests for it are more powerful, 'The availability of pretest scores also makes the examination of the interaction of X and the pretest ability level possible. For statistical analysis the t-test is often used, If there are two or more treatment variables, each at several levels this complicates the analysis. Interaction effects can be very important especially for generalizations. Sometimes the main effect is nonexistant but interaction is very important. Nesting means that certain interactions cannot be measured. Ex: teachers cannot be at all schools so teacher school interaction cannot be measured, A S k a kk ok A a ia PE VA ke,