LUD PEL.UVU Shelly Cashman Series Lab - Working with Spreadsheets Lab Name BOZŽIC, KRSA zdi Course and Division Date aa. AO. DO Page;l oi 2 As you step through the Interactive Lab, answer the following guestions in the spaces provided. For multiple choice guestions, enter the appropriate letter on the blank line. 1. A spreadsheet is a worksheet that resembles a table and is used for organizing numbers. (True or False) bdi 2. An electronic spreadsheet file can contain as many as cd, spreadsheets. asi bo 155 GI Z29 di-255 3. Columns and rows are used (sel a. as a formatting feature b. for printing purposes c. to organize data or information in a spreadsheet d. for adding or inputting data 4. Cells are referenced by ra 8) : a. column label b. row label c. labels defined by the user d. column letter and row number 5. List 3 types of data you can enter into a cell. a. TEXT pi Š c. CU£SE ae a 6. When you change values in a spreadsheet, formulas are automatically ai s a. removed b. copied to an adjacent cell Page 1