tmp prt.000 Shelly Cashman Series Lab - Word Processing Lab 10 Name LORENAN NANIEL Course and Division Date Page 1 of 3 As you step through the Interactive Lab, answer the following guestions in the spaces provided. For multiple choice guestions, enter the appropriate letter on the blank line. 1. Word processing is the ability to produce or modify text to create a ลก ad: Virus b. document C. spreadsheet d. program 2. Word processing software is a computer program that enables you to generate ) ; a. an electronic copy of a document b. a paper copy of a document c. a handwritten copy of a document d. both an electronic and paper copy of a document 3. List 5 types of documents people produce with word processing software. MI o oo... . MEMOS tu ije, ME . NEWSLETTEDS <; WEB faSES 4. List the 4 steps used to produce a document. a. CREATIVG b. PENnITING mi EORMSTTINC d. PRINTINC 5. Word wrap allows you to' type text that continuously flows to the next line without having to press the Cc z oololkoie) Page 1