tmp PprL.vuv a. END Key b. DOWN ARROW Key c. ENTER Key d. PAGE DOWN Key Shelly Cashman Series Lab - Word Processing Lab Page 2 of 3 6. Label each of the following word processing features as an E for Editing or an F for Formatting. Insert s Delete E Margins f Undo HE Columns s Tables f Grammar Checker fpF Auto'Correct. E Spacing F Borders 4 Shading fF Brag.«. Drop.-E Thesaurus £ Graphics f Cut, Copy and Paste HF Search « Replace E£E Page Numbering F Revision Marks E Headers 4 Footers fFf Typeface «s Font F Annotations Highlighting Tool za Size as Style F Spell Checker Fr Alignment T Built-in Styles fF Templates fF 7. Spacing can be adjusted in some programs from a TAZACČAČH MALO Box a. Font dialog box b. Page Setup dialog box č,. Print dialog: box d. Paragraph dialog box O hist. 3 mmon ways to guickly save a document. ze y g Y not. boudton. o. He meu, ke. , NOB bidteu 9. List 4 printing options Page 2