Ulip pL L.UUU Shelly Cashman Series Lab - Working with Spreadsheets Lab 7 LAN ze PE IA H K Name Course and Division pi Date db 0 ) o9VO Page 1 of 2 As you step through the Interactive Lab, answer the following guestions in the spaces provided. For multiple choice guestions, enter the appropriate letter on the blank line. 1. A spreadsheet is a worksheet that resembles a table and is used for organizing numbers. (True or False) Tkvyg 2.,An electronic spreadsheet file can contain as many as dv spreadsheets. 125 k855 245 piči 3. Columns and rows are used €; ; a. as a formatting feature b. for printing purposes > to organize data or information in a spreadsheet for adding or inputting data sie Cells are referenced by 4 8 a. column label b. row label G) labels defined by the user ide column letter and row number 5. List 3 types of data you can enter into a cell. 6. When you change values in a spreadsheet, formulas are automatically C ; a. removed b. copied to an adjacent cell Page 1