tmp prt.000 Shelly Cashman Series Lab - Understanding the Motherboard â â No vu nasi Name va A 2c Cc 2 Course and Division Date Page 1 of 3 As you step through the Interactive Lab, answer the following guestions in the spaces provided. For multiple choice guestions, enter the appropriate letter on the blank line. | 1. You are mail-ordering a new motherboard for your computer and see a company offering a 100 MHz 486DX board and a 75 MHz Pentium board for the same price. Which one is the better value? Why? Jp Baligr teatlun (Nk 52. Bilo KbiTekToo 2. Indicate what each of the following acronyms stand for. ROM ei Ome EdoÂŁ S RAM Äaspma ALCESS.â Igog, âââââ [NCiNE SIMM ZINULE V suÄe! Hlenot NODOLE. CPU CENTA PROCES s VRAT 3. Assume you are working on a word processing document that you previously saved to disk. You enter another 100 keystrokes and your computer loses power. Will the document on disk contain the last 100 keystrokes when you load the document from disk into RAM? Why? What happens to PR work in RAM when you lose power? im un m Zaj lel Nal alj lane Page 1