(Ewd) invitatiori » Subject: (Fwd) invitation Date: Thu, 19 Nov 1998 16:15:34 10100 From: gabor(dinformatika.bke.hu To: Gortan Resinovič I try to send the original message again. Let's see what happen. ------- Forwarded Message Follows ------- From: Self To: gortan.resinovicčuni-lj.sl Subject: invitation Date sent: Fri, 6 Nov 1998 09:09:37 40100 Dear Professor Resinovic, thank you very much for fax dated November 4, 1998. It is a great honour for me to be selected into the international members of the editorial board. I try to meet the high reguirements of the editorial board of a guality journal. Since our last meeting, the department has moved to another building of the university, but our telephone numbers has not changed. Tne address: Budapest, V., Veres Palnč utca 36 Tel/fax: 36-1-218-4665 0 e-mail: gaborgdinformatika.bke.hu ISDN (Video) 36-1-429-0377 The last number suggest, that we are available through and for videoconferencing. Because of the moving in September and October it was difficuit to reach us, but by now the situation has been consolidated. We are continously searching new projects, but unfortunately TEMPUS has finished, SOCRATES/ERASMUS is far less attractive. Now Framework 5 looks interesting, and I think in the near future the conditions will be clear enough to look for partners. Thank you very much for your letter, the invititation to the editorial board. Hope to seeing you in Budapest soon. Best regards, Andras Gabor 6 kk ikk kk koke ke koko kk koko kk dek kk kk ri kokkokokk kk kk kok kk k ida Dr. Andras Gabor Head of Department Information Systems Department Budapest University of Economic Sciences Budapest V. Veres Palne utca 36, Hungary H-1053 Tel/fax: 36-1-218-4605 gaborčinformatika.bke.nu tofl 19.11.98 23:3