FACULTY OF ECONOMICS LJUBLJANA Facsimile Cover Sheet To: Organisation: Dr. Anna Jakabfi Ministry of Culture and Edutation o PaANe:: PI] 00 361 332 1932 From: doc. dr. Gortan Resinovič Organisation: University of Ljubljana Faculty of Economics Kardeljeva ploščad 17 61101 Ljubljana, Slovenia 4 386 61 1892 400 t 386 61 1892 698 8311,1996 Pages including this cover page: lofl Message: Mr. Andrej KOTNIK (Slovenian Ministry of Education and Sport) informed me that I was awarded the CEEPUS Grant for visiting Budapest University of Economic Sciences (CEEPUS Network no. HR-004) for the period Nov.15 - Dec. 14, 1996. However, tili now I have not received any information about this from the National CEEPUS Office in Budapest. As the beginning of my visit is approaching very fast I want to ask you to send as soon as possible all the necessary information about the Grant and my staying in Budapest to the following address: Dr. Gortan Resinovič Faculty of Economics Kardeljeva ploscad 17 1000 Ljubljana SLOVENIA With regards RU