FACULTY OF ECONOMICS LJUBLJANA Facsimile Cover Sheet To: | LISE SHAREF | Organisation: (TP £guPoPE o Pnone: '—| | (145) ]2Z(IIJO. —2.2. | Fax: | (t4y5) 12171127? GOPTAN DECINVOVIC University of Ljubljana Faculty of Economics Kardeljeva ploščad 17 61101 Ljubljana, Slovenia 4 386 61 1892 400 4 386 61 1892 698 JEKEL 21, (44B From: Organisation: Message: To whom it may concerne, Last Friday I had a telephone conversation with Ms. Lise Sharff. She told me she'll be absent this week but somebody in the office will deal with my problem. I want to order 5 Shelly books System Analysis Ke Design, 3" edition (ISBN 0789542668). The invoice (proforma) and the books should be mailed to the following addresss: Ekonomska fakulteta CEK Ms. Slavka Dolenc Kardeljeva ploscad 17 1000 Ljubljana Slovenia Please make sure that the address is written in the given seguence. As the fall semester is almost over, my students will use the book only in the following semester which starts in the middle of February. This means that the delivery of books is not urgent. They could be send by the 1" class mail. The invoice, however, should be with Us as soon as possible so that we can proceede the payment immediatelly. Please send the Instructors Resource Kit to the following address: Prof. Dr Gortan Resinovic Ekonomska fakulteta Kardeljeva ploscad 17 1000 Ljubljana Slovenia as I want to get used to it before new semester started. With best regards, G. Resinovic (I am including a copy of Ms. Sharff fax for reference)