NA International Thomson Publishing FAX-MESSAGE To: Gortan Resinovic, CEK, Slovenia From: Lise Scharff, Sales Manager Northern-,Central- €: Eastern Europe E-mail: lise.seharffč Pages: 1 Date: 4.12,98 Re: Sheliy: Systems Analysis 8 Design Dear Gortan Resinovic, Thank you for your e-mail to Nicey Maine in our UK office re, Shelly: Systems Analysis K Design - as] am responsible for th: Eastem part of Europe she has fotwarded your e-mail to me (unfortunately without your e-mail address, which is why I am sending you this fax), The book itself ISBN 0789542668 £20.99 pr copy ISBN 0789543133 £ 96.50 pr copy - whieki inelude the textbook and the VAS edition The Instructors Resource kit: ISBN 0799542676 | is not for sale, and can oniy be given away to lecturers who is using the book as adopted textbook - as you are, This means that you can choose beru zen: the first tvo opricns, and tne price for delivery would be: SBN 0789542668 £ 59.50 (DHL) SBN 0789543133 72,70 (DHL) And the Instructors Resource Kit we would send you free o? oharge either way —I need vour phonenumber in ordet to get otr courier company to deliver itall to you. As soon as you let me know what you want to order I will ensure a profortna is faxed to as soon as possible. I look forward to hearing from you, best wishes, Lise Scharff ITP Europe Naverland 2, DK-2600 Glosirup, Denmark Tel e4š 77317770 Fax wdš 77317727 NOSKOHL : EBT'DJ4l'Ž i "gla NOSHOHL "IHNI Sp:B CE TZT'5 TST'ahi