IF UNDELIVERED, PLEASE RETURN TO THE ABOVE ADDRESS Prof.dr. Andras GABOR Head of Information Systems Department Budapest University of Economic Sciences BUDAPEST IX Kinizsci utca 1-7 Dear prof. Gabor, A couple of years ago I was visiting your university as a CEEPUS scholar. At that time the agreement of cooperation between BUES an Faculty of Economics in Ljubljana was signed. During my stay in Budapest I met with you and some members of your department. As a result of our talks, prof. Molnar and you invited me and my institution to join a Multimedia Phare Project, which, unfortunately, wasn't accepted. Anyhow, after that we somehow lost a contact. But I did not forget you. Some time ago I was asked to propose one of my friends from foreign scientific instittions for a member of international editorial board of Slovene Economic Review. Among many colleagues from European and American universities I considered you as a proper person for this position (I have some strong reasons in favour to my choice but I am sorry that I did not consult you on this matter). Now you were elected to this position and I have the pleasure to inform you about this and to ask you to accept it. I tried to get in touch with you through E-mail (but I didn't find your electronic addresss) and through telephone (but the lady on the other side spoke only Hungarian and the only thing I could figure out from what she said was »nemlehet«). So I decided to fax this message to you. And prof. Gabor, please let me know about your decision as soon as possible so that in the case of your acceptance I can send the formal letter of agreement to you. You can let me know about yout decision either through fax or to my E-mail: GORTAN.RESINOVIC(GUNI-LJ.SI Congratulations and best regards, Prof.dr. G. Resinovič