Message from Hank Lucas, Editor-in-Chief, AIS Electronic Jounals lofl Subject: Message from Hank Lucas, Editor-in-Chief, AIS Electronic Journals Date: Tue, 08 Sep 1998 10:02:35 0800 From: AIS Announcement To: ais() Reply to: hlucasĨ Dear AIS Member: At the recent Association for Information Systems Americas Conference in Baltimore, we announced the creation of two, new electronic journals, the Communications of AIS and The Journal of AIS. Paul Gray at Claremont Graduate University is the editor of the Communications and Phillip Ein-Dor of Tel-Aviv University is editor of the Journal (paul.gray and Both journals have distinguished advisory and editorial boards. The Communications will publish editor-reviewed and peer-refereed research articles, tutorials, case studies and essays. The Journal will publish rigorously refereed research papers only and will endeavor to achieve the same level of guality as the most respected print journals in the field. Both journals are accepting submissions now; CAIS will begin to post articles in January of 1999 and JAIS is scheduled to appear in June of 1999. We invite you to consider submitting papers to either journal, and hope that you find their contents to be useful in teaching and research. For more information and submission instructions, please see http: // or or Thank you for your interest, Hank Lucas Editor-in-Chief DIS Electronic Journals 9/10/98 10:37 AM