Locating IS programs lofl Subject: Locating IS programs Date: Wed, 14 Oct 1998 09:58:28 0800 From: AIS Announcement To: ais()sphinx.gsu.edu Dear AIS Member, Gordon Davis and I have prepared a letter to Deans of business schools about the Communications of AIS and the Journal of AIS. The purpose of the letter is to introduce the journals and to assure the deans that they will meet the standards of existing print journals. We ask that publishing in JAIS and CAIS be considered in the promotion and tenure process as if the journals appeared in print. A copy of the letter has been posted to the journal Web sites for downloading and inclusion in review packets for authors. http://jais.aisnet.org/format.asp We are writing to ask your help in identifying IS programs that are not in business schools. If the Dean to which your program ultimately reports is not in a business school, could you please send his or her name and address to Colleen Bauder at AIS headguarters? cbauderĨlgsu.edu If you know of other programs that we might not reach, please send that information along as well. Thank you very much. Hank Lucas 10/16/98 2:26 PM