Economists in America Subject: Economists in America Date: Sat, 10 Oct 1998 11:44:30 -0400 (EDT) From: PAVLETICH( To: gortan.resinovic(UNI-LJ.SI We have a folk custom here in America that dates back to the early silent film elassiče,:..: HiNeč Kočanaist Gets Hits With Pie By JORDAN LITE .c The Associated Press SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -- Telling him that it was '"a good day to pie,'' an environmentalist slapped Nobel Prize-winning .economist Milton Friedman in the face with a coconut cream pie. Friedman was talking with people attending a conference on education when Al Decker, a member of the Biotic Baking Brigade, told him, '"'Mr. Friedman, it's a good day to pie'' and gave him a taste -- all over his face. € According to Decker, the economist said: "'"I guess that sometimes this happens.'' Friedman could not be reached for comment. Friedman won the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Science in 1976. Decker said he pied Friedman because the brigade opposes the privatization of education. " He is the world's preeminent neoliberal economist, and that economic philosophy is responsible for the destruction of our environment, the deterioration of our social structure and has brought the world to the brink of an economic collapse,'' Decker said. Decker, 27, was arrested for misdemeanor battery and released. In February, pranksters in Brussels, Belgium, hit Microsoft Corp. Chairman Bill Gates with three pies. Procter « Gamble Chairman John Pepper was pied less than two weeks later in Columbus, Ohio, by animal rights activists. And last November, designer Oscar de la Renta was smacked in the face with a tofu cream pie during an autograph-signing session at a shopping mall in € suburban Portland, Ore. AP-NY-10-10-98 0411EDT lofl 10/12/98 11:04 AM