http:/ http:/ INDIANA UNIVERSITY EMPLOYEES FEDERAL CRED Annual Annual Dividend R Dividend Percentage Minimum Share Sa Term Share Certificates Rate Yield Balance without 30 Day Paid at Maturity 3.25% 3.30% $ 2,000 Certific 90 Day Paid at Maturity 4.40% 4.50% 2,000 constant 6 Month Paid Monthly 5.12% 5.25% 2,000 Money Ma 1 Year Paid Monthly 5.35% 5.50% 500 IRA - ra 1 1/2 Year Paid Monthly 5.45% 5.60% 500 2 Year Paid Monthly 5.50% 5.65% 500 Early wi 2 1/2 Year Paid Monthly 5.50% 5.65% 500 Terms of 3 Year Paid Monthly 5.54% 5.70% 500 dividend 4 Year Paid Monthly 5.59% 5.75% 500 less. 5 Year Paid Monthly 5.64% 5.80% 500 6 Year Paid Monthly 5.64% 5.80% 500 Terms gr days' di JUMBO 30 Day Paid at Maturity 3.35% 3.40% 100,000 is less. JUMBO 90 Day Paid at Maturity 4.50% 4.60% 100,000 JUMBO 6 Month Paid Monthly 5.22% 5.35% 100,000 Dividend JUMBO l Year Paid Monthly 5.45% 5.60% 100,000 deposit JUMBO 1 1/2 Year Paid Monthly 5.55% 5.70% 100,000 JUMBO 2 Year Paid Monthly 5.60% 5.75% 100,000 Dividend (] JUMBO 2 1/2 Year Paid Monthly 5.60% 5.758 100,000 and cann JUMBO 3 Year Paid Monthly 5.64% 5.80% 100,000 the dail JUMBO 4 Year Paid Monthly 5.69% 5.85% 100,000 periodic JUMBO 5 Year Paid Monthly 5.74% 5.90% 100,000 day. JUMBO 6 Year Paid Monthly 5.74% 5.90% 100,000 Compound IRA Certificates: Certificates with terms of six months to six years Shares - are available for purchase as IRA accounts at the same rates as above. Certific Money Market Share Savings Transact $ 01 - $ 999.99 3.01% 3.05% 01 accounts 1,000.00 - 9,999.99 3.593 3.75% 1,000 automati 10,000.00 - 24,999.99 5.03% 5.25% 10,000 Teller o 25,000.00 - 49,999.99 5.03% 5.25% 25,000 to a thi 50,000.00 - 74,999.99 5.03% 5.258 50,000 these 6, 75,000.00 and over 5.03% 5.25% 75,000 a third authoriz Money Market Checking the Cred $ .01 - $ 999,99 2.28% 2.30% .01 account 1,000.00 - 9,999.99 2.37% 2.40% 1,000 orders r () 10,000.00 - 24,999.99 2.525% 2.55% 10,000 the numb 25,000.00 - 49,999.99 2.62% 2.65% 25,000 by mail 50,000.00 - 74,999.99 2.62% 2.65% 50,000 exceed t 75,000.00 and over 2.62% 2.65% 75,000 any stat or rever Share Savings subject Regular, Special, Christmas 3.01% 3.05% 01 Union ma IRA Share Savings 3.78% 3.85% .01 lofi The Credit Union reserves the right writing of any intended withdrawals days and up to 60 days in accordance with applicable law before such withdrawal. to reguire you to give notice in from any account of not less than 7 18.7.98 17:15