Pair work: Evaluation Give a short presentation based on the text below. Use this assessment form to evaluate each other's use of language. sentence length register/style linkers emphasizers/minimizers There are some important things to remember when giving a presentation. One of the key elements, in my opinion, is the contact with the audience. This can be achieved through a variety of technigues. For example, keeping eye contact as much as possible is a very important factor. In fact, if you are speaking to a very large audience, its a good idea to pick out two or three members of the audience and establish eye contact with them. Another way of keeping contact is to encourage the audience to interrupt and ask guestions during the presentation. This may depend on the time you have allocated but, in principle, it is better to deal with a guestion at the time it arises rather than later. There are many other factors but eye contact and audience participation will count for 60 % success in establishing a strong relationship with your audience. Purpose: Cross out the verbs which do not fit in the following presentation extracts. The first one has been done for you as an example. 1. First ofaall, T'd like to preview/overview/outline the main points of my talk. 2. Perhaps I should start off by pointing/stressing/reminding that this is just a preliminary report. Nothing has been finalized as yet. 3. But later on I will, in fact, be putting forward/putting out/putting over several detailed proposals. 4. One thing [Il be dealing with/referring/regarding is the issue of a minimum wage. 5. And II also be asking/raising/putting the guestion of privatizaton. 10