8. KNOW YOUR AUDIENCE 9. TREAT YOUR AUDIENCE AS EGUALS Never talk down (or up) to your audience. Treat them as eguals, no matter who they are. 10. BE YOURSELF As far as possible, speak to five hundred people in much the same Way you would speak to five. Yoy will obviously need to project yourself more, but Your personality shouldn't change. 11. TAKE YOUR TIME Whenever you make a really important point, pause and let the full significance of what you have said sink in ... before you move on. 12.DON'T MAKE A SPECIAL EFFORT TO BE FUNNY If you make a joke, don't stop and wait for laughs. Keep going and let the laughter (if it comes) interrupt you. 13.LET YOUR VISUALS SPEAK FOR THEMSELVES Good visuals are just that — visual. Don't put boring tables of figures and long lines of text on the overhead and read them Out. Stick to the main points. Experiment with three-dimensional charts, Cartoons, interesting typefaces — anything to catch Your audience's attention. 14. NEVER COMPETE WITH YOUR VISUALS When showing a visual, keep guiet and give people time to take it in. Then make brief comments only. Point to the relevant parts of the visual as you speak. If you want to Say more, switch off your projector to do so. 15. DEVELOP YOUR OWN STYLE Learn from other public speakers, but don't try to copy them. Be comfortable with your own abilities, Don't do anything that feels unnatural for you, just because it works for someone else,