UndergnaduatejStudy, Undergnaduatejstudy, "o ae. FULL-TIME STUDY | ij PART-TIME STUDY The Faculty of Economics performs two separate programmes in fulHime study: The Faculty of Economics advertises three separated programmes as part-time study: -a fouryear programme to acguire higher professional education - BUSINESS SCHOOL -a four-year study programme to acguire higher professional education - - a four-year programme to acguire academic education - SCHOOL OF ECONOMICS BUSINESS SCHOOL - a four-year study programme to acguire academic education - The programme of the SCHOOL OF ECONOMIGS teaches students a more theoretical SCHOOL OF ECONOMICS orientation of economics and they are trained either to perform work of high -a three-year study programme to acguire higher professional education - professional demand in research and analysis, or to manage companies and other HOTEL INDUSTRY AND TOURISM organizations efficiently, as well as perform business operations at home and abroad. Parttime study is performed at the headguarters of the Faculty in Ljubljana and in study The programme of the BUSINESS SCHOOL instructs students how to use their groups outside Ljubljana. knowledge, analytical procedures and business technigues practically and immediately, The programmes BUSINESS SCHOOL and SCHOOL OF ECONOMICS are eguivalent to and is closely connected to the problems of business practice. Not only does the the full-time study. programme develop its analytical possibilities, but it expressively develops negotiation The programme HOTEL INDUSTRY AND TOURISM is performed in cooperation with and decision-making skills, and the realization of taken decisions on all professional the Faculty of Biotechnology. The programme is organized on the basis of the needs and managerial levels in various tvpes of economic and other organizations. analysis of catering industry and tourism, as one of the most promising economic fields, and its objective ane o s oi is to acguire higher professional education. DISTANCE LEARNING STUDY Within the framework of a special PHARE project for regional cooperation, a centre, providing distance learning study in Slovenia, has been active at the Faculty of Economics since 1994. In the academic year of 1995/96 the Faculty of Economics is beginning to perform distance learning study experimentally in the first year of the BUSINESS SCHOOL in three study centres: Nova Gorica, Ptuj, Trebnje. [n distance learning a student mostly studies independently, from specially prepared study materials. He can also communicate on-line, using computer network, and meet Professors and Tutors in study centres from time to time. The Faculty of Economics is a member of the international associations of distance learning EDEN and ICDE.