Undergraduatejžstudy; Studyiprnogrammejscneme BUSINESS SCHOOL | SCHOOL OF ECONOMICS Unified Programme Unified Programme 1 Ar f ialization: padkaikc sua Unified Programme y. - Management - Entrepreneurship ECONOMICS BUSINESS - Tourism DEPARTMENT DEPARTMENT - International Business Ar eas of - Business Finance S isatlnni: pecialization: - Insurance Industry Unified - Marketin - Bankin VEN a 3 A ; 8 Programme . Finance - Accountin - Business informdatics zo - Organization and Management Areas of Specialization the same as SMRTNIM in 2" year Management Areas of Areas of Specialization the same as Specialization: zame - National Economy! Specialization the | 4 in 3% year - International Exchange - Banking/Finance HOTEL INDUSTRY AND TOURISM Areas of Specialization: - Hotel industry - Tourism Areas of Specialization the same as in 1" year Areas of Specialization the same as in 2"4 year