Student organization of the Faculty of Economics (ŠOEF) covers the most versatile domains among which the most important are the following: - accompanying and evaluating of the study process, lecturers and study conditions - connections with faculties at home and abroad, with special emphasis on the group Alpe-Adna. - eforts to lower the prices of student food and study literature - organization of different cultural and sports pertormances ATIESEC is an international association of students of Economics and Management active at 8000 faculties in 81 countries. Today AIESEC Ljubljana has over 80 active members, working within the framework of six teams (Projects, International Exchange of Practice, Marketing, Foreign Connections, Human Resources, Finance), and thus creating possibilities for them to acguire experiences, to actively incorporate young people in their social and economic environment, and enable them to meet and mutually cooperate with other young people of different cultures and nalons. Expert Junior is a project group of students of the Faculty of Economics, the basic activity of which is mediating students of Economics and other faculties' intellectual services to economy. The work is planned as projeci work, and doing it, students can make their knowledge, acguired at the Faculty, richer with practice. The projects run on a domestic as well as on an international level, since Expert Junior is a fully authorized member of the international network Junior Enterprise, joining such organizations worldwide. The Student Section of the Marketing Association of Slovenia (ŠS DMS) is an offspring of the Marketing Association of Slovenia. The basic tasks of ŠS DMS are to educate and connect the future marketing elites. The connecting activities go in two directions, namely as the connection of the students seriously interested in marketing, and as students' connection with present day Slovene marketing practice. Education, however, is organized through regular monthly meetings, lectures and visits to different educational programmes. Management Group is a group of students and younger graduates, the goal of which is to acguire knowledge of high guality from the field of Management and Entrepreneurship. Members can obtain training in the form of lectures and workshops, they can visit international and domestic fairs, congresses and symposiums, visit companies and make professional excursions. On the other hand, Management Group provides professional help and consultancy services to the companies interested in them. Student FORUM is an entrepreneurial group of students of Economics that helps Slovene and foreign companies to organize meetings among company principal groups and students, undergraduates and graduates from Ljubljana University.