Organizationjunit Sto raitne The Research centre of the Faculty of Economics (RCEF) is an organizational unit in the framework of which the research work at the Faculty of Economics has been developed. The basic purpose of RCEF is the performing of basic and applicative research projects in the field of Economics, Business, Informatics and Management, consultancy services to companies, organizations and social bodies, as well as help in the education of the young staff working in the field of science. RCEF has realized this objective by organizing the research of the Faculty's Professors and Assistant Professors, by planning and directing research work, publishing the findings of research activities, organizing conferences, by professional training of its staff, cooperation with other research institutions, by making contacts and cooperating with companies, as well as maintaining the contacts among foreign and domestic experts. The Central Economic Library (CEK) is the biggest library in the field of Economics and Business in Slovenia and is a member of the European Business Schools Librarians' Group (EBSLG). Besides lending its reading resources, it mediates information and enables the lending of materials from other libraries and centres at home as well as abroad. The library's reading resources comprise more than 215,000 units. Various computerized and classical catalogues as well as the catalogues of other libraries in Slovenia are at the users' disposal. Within the framework of the CEK there is also: The Specialized Information-Documentation Centre For Economics (INDOK). INDOK has been creating its specialized bibliographic database EKOSIC from the field of Economics and the sciences related to it from its book fund since 1979. The centre offers information from eight foreign CD-ROM databases as well. h pa 7 ma v v z Pa o NI ama K s -. ea pn Ta The Centre for Management Development and Training (CISEF) is the biggest university business and educational centre in Slovenia. It represents a bridge between the Faculty and the economy. In the form of seminars, workshops, courses, conferences and schools, more than 2500 directors, managers and professional staff from companies, banks and other institutions have been trained. The basic fields of educational programmes are economics, finance, banking, general management, marketing, accounting, human resources management and foreign languages. Educational programmes are divided into open- tvpe programmes and programmes lor closed groups, which are tailor- | made. More than 50 experts cooperate in them, of which slightly less than a half are the Faculty Professors while the others are visiting lecturers. čr MA PR K. - zd x A 4 A Re Pavi kaia r poi iza SI, AA JA FacultygorjeconomicS The Data Analytical Service of the Faculty of Economics (PASEF) is a centre of knowledge, the objective of which is to build a system for the industrial production of multimedia information products, especially for the needs of economics and business. Therefore the Centre acguires, tests, systematically stores and gives in usage all the types of numerical data, text, video and audio information in a user friendly way. The system helps with seminar work, work on undergraduate theses, master's theses and doctor's theses, learning materials, books, articles, multimedia presentations, teleconferences, telelectures, etc. All the information, programme eguipment and instructions are available via PASEF's computers, and, shortly, they will also be available via modems, Internet and CD-ROM-s. European Documentation Centre (EDC) has been authorized by the Commission of the European Union as an information-documentation and deposit centre for materials and documents of the European Union (EU) in Slovenia since March 1990. The basic tasks of EDC are acguisition, professional processing, storage and providing free access to literature, documents and information sources on the EU, as well as providing information and services of high guality. In the EDC the publications and materials, published by the institutions of the EU (the European Commission, the European Parliament, the European Council, the European Law Court, the European Social and Economic Committee), of The-Council of Europe, the European Fund of Improvement of Life and Working Conditions, the European Institute of Public Administration (Mastricht), and other similar institutions are available. Beside these, various microfilm editions, data on CD-ROM:.s, and domestic and foreign (Eurobases) on-line databases are available, too. The Publishing Unit. The Faculty of Economics publishes more than 60 titles of various study materials yearly (textbooks, lecture notes, exercises, etc.) Here also belongs the collection MAKSIME in which the Faculty Professors' works, published as books, are collected. With these works, expressing years of research and pedagogical work, the authors and the Faculty wish to present the best of their work to the broader public, but, of course, they are intended for students as well.