[4 - EUROPEAN JOURNAL (7 GPERATIGNAL RESEARCH Editors: Alan Merccr C. Bernhard Tilanus Hans Jiireen Zimmermann The Managernent Sehval Eindhoven University of Tecimology RWTIJ Aachen Lancaster University P.O. Box 513 Tenplergraben 64 Lancaster, LAl 4YX 5600 MB Fitdho ven, Netherlands 82056 Aachen, Germaay England 'Tetephone -31-40-2473735 Telephone 449-274 1-806LE2 Telephonc 444-1524.593864 Fax -31-40-2467497 Tax -49-24 | -B8RB L6B Fax 44. 1524-844885 Email C.B..Tilanus Žrna.tur.ni Email zi Gor.rwth-aachen.de Dr. Miro Gradisar Faculty of Organizational Sciences University of Maribor Presernova ulica 11 4000 Kranj Slovenien Aachen, August 18, 1998 HiZ/ih Re: A hybrid approach for optimization of one dimensional cutting; Gradisar, Miro / Resinovic, G. Pap.No.: 97265 Dear Dr. Gradisar, | am pleased to inform you that your paper has been accepted for publication in the EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF OPERATIONAL RESEARCH. The procedure from now on is as follows. Enclosed you will find an Acceptance form which you must send immediately to North- Holland at the address given. You must enclose a copy of the accepted version of your paper, which is obvicUsly the last you sent to me, and the original figures, if there are any. You may also enclose a disk containing an electronic version of your final manuseript, which must be in accordance with the details given in instructions to Authors. Proofs wili be sent to you by North-Holland. | suggest you read them carefully and check them once more against the original; you are the oniy one responsible for doing this. Together with the proots you will receive an order form for reprints (25 reprints are complimentary). Three months before publication North-Holland will inform you in which issue Your paper will appear. Editorial policy is to publish ali papers guickly but authors will appreciate that the desire to have issues with balanced contents implies that papers will not simply appear in the order of their acceptance. That and the need to puplish at a uniform monthiy rate when the supply is variable will oocasionaly delay a paper's apperance longer than the Editors wouid wish, but if this shoulci be the case with your paper, we trust that we can count on Your understanding. Your paper from now on is no longer under my control. Please, address gueries only to the desk editor: Mr. Luuk Hoila Fax: 4431-20 485 2829 c!o Elsevier Science E-mail: L.Holla £elsevier.ni P.O. Box 2759 1000 CT Amsterdam (Netherlands) Č WU LALe Moašana mu | ime Me era mm Zi mo van za seva re ba bar Yours sincerely, ž