26 k , APPENDIX B M aaaa nn ENTER x | aaaa bbbb nn D aaaa bbbb nn A aoaa bbbb ccec F aaaa bbbb xx Z aaaa bbob ENTER/N SUMMARY OF COMMANDS Memory Location 8 contents in Hex. aada < address. nn < new contents value ENTER z next location (repeating) 'M' re-enters command. Escape to prompt, and wait for new command. Vnsart. 4 'aaaa " address 1st. byte insertion bbbb < address highest byte to be moved nn < no. bytes to be inserted Tvpe ENTER to execute. Delete. aaaa - address 1st byte deletion bbbb < address highest byte to be moved nn s no. bytes to be deleted i Type ENTER to execute Arsa Ralocate. gada < present start address bbbb < present end address ccec < new start address Type ENTER to execute. Fiti. aaaa " start address of area to fill bbbb < end address of area to fill xx < value to be loaded into area Type ENTER to execute. Disassembler. naga < addr. start of disassembiy bbbb s addr, end of disassembly. Type ENTER for printer or N for screen, BREAK stops printer early. Return. Returns to Basic and resets the Basic stack Pointer. Type ENTER to execute.. J aaaa B aana $ aaaa letter/ENTER P aaaa bbbb N H/D, Number se Jump. aaaa " start address of program Type ENTER to execute. 'Breakpoint. aaaa < address of Breakpoint Executes automatically on typing 4th address digit. Break Restore. U Executes automatically, and restores last entered"Breakpoint. Register Display. Executes automatically, displaying values in CPU registers. Š Breakpoint Continue. Type ENTER to execute. Continues program execution after a Breakpoint. String Entry. aaaa < address 1st byte of string Letter < character from keyboard ENTER z next location (repeating) '9' re-enters command. - Typing a letter automatically increments address X Printer aaaa < address 1st bate to LPrint bbbb s acidres« last byte reguired to LPrint Type ENTER to execute Type Break to stop early. Number Convarsion. H/D < Hex or Decimal number Type ENTER to execute,