24 CONCLUSION AH tke commands of the MONITOR have now been demonstrated, and you are ready to start writing and running your own machine code programs. The Spectrum MONITOR can be used on its own to enter Machine code programs, but to simplify the process of Machine code programming, PICTURESOVUE also market an EDITOR ASSEMBLER that is fully compatible with the MONITOR, and which allows you to enter ZBO mnemonics into a listing, with line numbers and Labels, The listing is totally independent from Basic and uses a unigue 40 column Screen display. If you own a 48K Spectrum, the ASSEMBLER and tho MONITOR can both reside in memory together, creating the most versatile Machine code system available for the ZX Spectrum. The ASSEMBLER is also designed to make the best use of available memory in a 16K Spectrum. m o — D APPENDIXA | (CPU REGISTERS The values in the CPU registers are stored in the following locations after a Breakpoint, and can be altered using the M command. The alterations only take effect if the Breakpoint Continue (C) command or a Jump (J) command is used to access the machine code. ' bk šek o REG, 7F3D —- FE3ZD- R / 7F3E — FF3E--.! 7F3F — FEZFE — F' 7F40 — FF40 — A' JFAi— FMi-C' 7F42- FF42— B' 7F43 — FF43— E' 7F44 — FF44 — D' 745 - FF45- .L'" 7F46 — FF46G—- H' 7F47 — FF47— F 7F48—- FF48— A 7F49 — FF49— C TF4A — FF4A- B . ' JF4AB—- FFA4AB- E 7F4C— FF4C— D 7F4D — FF4D— L TF4E — FF4E-— H 7FAF — FF4F — IX (Low) 7F50 — FFS50— 1X (High) 7F51 — FF51— 1Y (Low) 7F52— FF52— IY (High) h 7F53 — FFF53— SP (Low) ; 7F54 — FF54— SP (High) 7F55 — FF55— PC (Low) 7F56 — FF56 — PC (High) Any changes to the | and 1Y registers may cause the ZX SPECTRUM to crash. o Sa