18 Each line shows the Hex contents of eight successive locations, with the Hex address of the first byte shown in the left hand column. The routine will only print complete lines, and if the end address that you specify is part of the way along a line, it will print up to the end of that line, ; If the prompt is not visible on the bottom line of the screen, type X, otherwise, Type PR to enter the Printer command. ; Type aaaa the start address, Type bbbb the end address, Typing X at any point will return you to the prompt and Cursor, Type ENTER. IMPORTANT NOTE lt is possible to stop the Printer before the routine has been completed, by pressing the Break key (shifted only) but this wifi return you to the Basic monitor, and you wil! have to re-access the MONITOR as described on Page 2. $ — String Entry This command operates in a similar fashion to the 'M' command, but allows you to enter text directly from the keyboard. It is by no "means a word processor, but it offers a much simpler method of text entry than by converting letters to their character codes, and entering the codes individually with the 'M' command. The command takes the form: "8 aaaa' where $ is the command mode, and aaaa is the starting address of the text block. Let us enter a simple message into a free area of RAM. Type $ (Symbol Shift and '4') to enter the $ command. . An inverte $ wili appear on the bottom line of the display. Type 6100 The address is displayed as normal. ; ; 1 e Eta ti Up to the point of entering the last digit of the address, the X command wili return you to the prompt. But from now on, this command is slightly different from all the others. As you may well want to type 'X' as a string entry, it cannot now be reserved for the escape command. So in this case only, the escape function is accessed by typing STOP (Symbol Shift and 'A'). The word STOP should serve to remind you of which key to press. As you type in each letter of the message, it is displayed on the screen, to the right of the address and its present contents, and the character code is stored in that address, The screen scrolls automatically, displaying the next address and its present contents. You do not need to press ENTER to access the next address, If there is a valid character code in an address, it will be displayed botween the address itself and the cursor, otherwise a guestion mgrk is displayed. All upper and lower case letters can be entered by use of the Caps Shift key; also punctuation marks and spaces by the use of the Symbol Shift key. .The only exception is '$' which is reserved ' as the command mode, Graphics, user defined characters, and keywords and expressions such as "" cannot be entered directly. Inverse characters must be created by accessing the colour attributes part of the memory relating to the particular sereen location. In other words, any single character that appears on a key top and that can be accessed by a single key press or by one level of shift can be entered. Any character normally accessed by the'use of the GRAPHICS or EXTENDED modes will have to be entered by using the 'M' command to enter the Hex character code. Now type in the following message: This is "Spectrum MONITOR", ; (Use Symbol Shift and P for the " marks). Having typed it in, (mistakes included) now review the message: Type $ (Symbol Shift and 4) to re-enter the $ command. ih Type 6100 . the start address. Type ENTER and hold it pressed until the whole message is on the screen: If the message is correct, you can now type STOP (Symbol Shift and A) to return to the prompt.