"Aee 10 The screen seroils up one line, and the prompt and cursor return to the bottom line, The move is complete. Using the M command, check that addresses 6200 to 620F have been loaded with the same values as those still remaining in addresses 6000 to 600F. This routine will allow you to move up or down memory, from any original! starting address to any new starting address, even if the new area overlaps the original area, The origina! area (unless over-written by the move) is not changed. Try moving the area from 6000 to 60OF to a new start address of $008 and then move it back again. A word of warning: Most MONITOR commands that allow you to alter the values in memory locations, wil! operate on the area of RAM containing the MONITOR routines. Always check carefully that you are not about to corrupt the MONITOR, which occupies the area from EEAC to FEF9, (48K); or GEAC to TEF9 (16K). F — Fill an area with a given value ; J The Fill routine allows you to enter the same byte value into a given area of RAM, and takes the form: 'F aaaa bbbb xx', when aaaa and bbbb are the start and end addresses respectively of the specified area, and xx is the value to be entered. Type X' to restore the prompt and cursor. Type F to enter the F command. Type 6020 the start address, ; Type 6100 the end address, ; Type AA the value to be entered. (Hex). Type ENTER. ' to effect the Fill. The screen serolls, and the prompt and cursor appear on the bottom line of the screen, The fill is complete. Now use the M command, with ENTER kept pressed, to verify that each byte from 6020 to 6100 inclusive has a value of AA. | H | s. a | | De. | 11 Y — Return Printed on the 'Y' key is the keyword RETURN, and by pressing this key, followed by ENTER, when the prompt and cursor alone are visible on the bottom line of the screen, a return to Basic is effected so that you can use any of the Basic commands. As the MONITOR does not have its own Save and Load commands, you will need the Return command to use the Basic Save and Load. 16, having returned to Basic, you wish to access the MONITOR again the following addresses should be used with the USR function, depending upon which version of the MONITOR you are using: 16k version: 43K version: type RANDOMIZE USR 30479 typo RANDOMIZE USR 63247 followed by ENTER, Using the MONITOR 'Return' command, will reset the stack, but wil not affect the Basic listing or the variables. To demonstrate the remaining commands of the MONITOR, use the "'M" command to enter the following short program, starting at 6000 01 00 00 LO BC,0000 ; Clear BC 6003 11 00 00 LD ' DE,O00O ; Clear DE 6006 21 00 00 LD HL,0000 ; Clear HL. 6009 03 INC BC $ BoBo: GOO0A 13 INC DE DE OREL 01 6008 23 INC HE: 7 HL