TREE PERE . oranja dia dna RI ERA WURDE d 1 l 9 zi 4 H ki 4 i BEKODO 00 FE 6V0O1 00 EKOO0O FF - š The contents of 6000 are shown as FF, To summarize the M command so far, you can seguentially step the value 00, (the value was changed immediately you typed the second 0) you can change it again if you wish, So, if you enter an incorrect value, and realise what y0u have done before you press ENTER, you can correct YOUur mistake without having to specify the address again. in fact, You can make only two sttempts at entering a value before the routine returns you to the prompt and cursor, when you will have to type M to re-enter tho M ' command. Remember, that in the M command, ENTER only has the effect of Stepping on to the next memory location, whereas in other Commands (where applicable) ENTER causes the Operation to be executed, Imagine that you have just entered a machine Code routine from, say 6000 to 6200, and you realise that you need to change the value of one byte somewhere near the middle of the routine, but you do not know the precise address, You could spend a long time guessing addresses and looking at their Contents, or repeatedly pressing ENTER until you find the right byte. But if You type M, to re-enter the M command, and look at the Contents of an address somewhere near the beginning of the rOutine, then press ENTER, and hold it pressed, after about 1% seconds the screen will start scrolling guite fast, and will rapidly display successive locations until you release ENTER. In this way you can guickly scan through a routine until you find the byte You are looking for. To effect the alteration, having released ENTER, you wili again have to type M xxxx to re-enter the M command at the Correct address, and then change the ' Contents of that address, .. The 'M' command, (and the $ command, described on page 18) are the only commands that usa the repeating key facility. X — Escape The X command allows YOU to escape from a command mode and returns you to the monitor key scan routine, . t Type X . : The screen will seroli, and the prompt and cursor will reappear on the bottom line of the screen. You can now enter any of the MONITOR commands. All command routines, with the exception of R (display registers) and K (breakpoint restore), will accept X as 8n escape command at any time up to the point of execution. 1 — Insert If, having written a machine code routine, you find it necessary to add extra instructions in the middle of that routine, the Insert command (1) allows you to insert up to 255 bytes at any point, and automatically moves up memory a specified area of RAM by the number of bytes you wish to insert. The Insert command takes the form "| aaaa bbbb nn" where | is the Insert command mode, aaaa is the Hex address of the first byte of the insertion, bbbb is the Hex address of the highest byte in RAM of the block of memory to be moved, and nn is the number of bytes to be inserted, in Hex, Example ; Type X to restore the prompt and cursor to the bottom line, and then, using the M command, enter the following Consecutive values into memory: 6000 00 6001 01 6002 02 >z 600303 , id etc. t