Di THEPECTRUM MONITOR BANDOMIZE USR 30479 | (for 16K) AARING TRERPEGTAU RANDOMIZE USR 63247. (for 48K) Connect your Spectrum to a T.V., cassette recorder, and ZX printer ! G ; 1 if you own one, as described in the Sine!air manual, and switch on. You can access the MONITOR from Basic in this way at any time, ij | which will produce the following message at the bottom of tne g sih The MONITOR loads from cassette in the same way as a Basic i screen, in addition to whatever was already there: program. Set the volume control! to about % volume and set the i ' tone control to maximum treble, | Press BREAK for Monitor : as Zenit | ges Be še Type LOAD "Monitor 16" or LOAD "Monitor 48" according to On pressing the Break key (shifted or unshifted) the screen is ; which side of the cassette you are loading, or simply type LOAD cleared, and the prompt and Cursor appear at the bottom of the "' '. Start the cassette in play and press ENTER. As with all screen. The MONITOR uses its own internal stack to make its use commercially recorded cassettes, you may find that you have to transparent to your machine code program. These functions wiil be Ki experiment until you find the optimum replay level for this tape, explained more fully later, b Make a note of the volume setting you find svecessful, for future im use. The chances of a bad load are reduced if you observe the iš following: PROMPT 8 CURSOR 1) Regularly clean the record/replay head of your Cassette recorder, using one of the proprietory cleaning kits, The prompt ( El ) indicates that the MONITOR is waiting to be put into a command mode. It does not appear at the start of every line of the display, but only appears when a cornmand routine has h Hi 2)" Ciean the rubber pinch wheel'and the capstan spindle that it | : ended, and the MONITOR is waiting for a new command j s makes contact with, ; ; | instruction. The flashing cursor is visible for the majority of the bj ; i time, and indicates a regvest for a keyboard entry, and shows where the result of that keyboard entry will be displayed on the screen. ti 3) Usea cleaning kit supplied with a liguid cleaner that you apply with a cotton woo! swab. This type is far more effective than the cleaning cassette type. : if you should experience difficulty in loading your copy of the MONITOR, or if you accidentaliy damage your tape, please return. ' M Display a memory location and its contents, and change the cassette to Picturesgue (the address is on the front page of this its contents. book). Your cassette will be re-recorded directly frorn our ZX X Escape from a command mode to the start of the Spectrum, and sent back to you by return of post, along with MONITOR, (Operates on all command modes except postage stamps to cover your postage costs. We believe such a Rand K.) back-up service to be an essential part of our trading standards. Move an area of RAM toa šin location. Fil a specified area of RAM with s specifieci byte values, Insert up to 255 bytes into a machine code routine. Delete up to 255 bytes from a machine code roytine, tiči Having successfully loaded, the MONITOR automatically relocates ; Jump to specified address, and start executing the routine ji itself to the correct part of memory, resets Ramtop to below itseif,: bepi: there ii and displays a message to this effect on the screen. This sergen s B kobinti č Am oh ki message shows the correct form of address to access the MONITOR, et a Breakpoint in a machine codo routine, to return Ne depending on which version is loaded, :Control to the MONITOR... Restore codes after a Breakpoint has been passed. bat | COMMAND MODES a 4) D: the 'Mic' lead to the cassett di h ; tsediing. oe eo 19 'he arsette recorder when | The range of command: offered by the SPECTRUM MONITOR sre as follows: ' Z NIETT ND m v ACCESS TO SPECTRUM MONITOR ; m igaevp j nie PERPAR ANeo o, za 95 CE TOK SAVE VRE Ko 0, nep a a EOR Eau