Sore ARONIJA č CONTENTS INTROGUCTION LOADING THE SPECTRUM MONITOR ACCESS TO SPECTRUM MONITOR - PROMPT AND CURSOR' COMMAND MODES M — Memory Location — Escape SM — Insert — Delete — Area Relocate - Fill — Return Breakpoint - Jump 8x Execute -- Break Restore ZAJ - Register Display ša — Breakpoint Continue — Printer — String Entry Z -- Disassembler N — Number Conversion THE MONITOR IN PRACTICE APPENDICES:" A — CPU Regišter Data Byte AVODA-U West Wickham, Kent BR4 9BB. OGOSSUBAONNA INTRODUCTION The SPECTRUM MONITOR isa machine code entry and de-bug monitor utility, with comprehentive facilities including a Disassemler, that has been designed to allow the ZX Spectrum Computer to be programmed in machine code, without the need to Use any Basic commands. User! in conjunetion with one of the many books available that 'teach the principles and practice cf Machine code programming, the . Spectrum MONITOR is an ideal learning tool for the beginner. For the more experienced user, the Spectrum MONITOR offers the commands necessary for successful Machine code programming snd da-bugging. ; The MONITOR allows a free interehange with Basic, and has been carefuliy structured so that machine code routines can bo run from either Basic or from,the MONITOR, and that the MONITOR can be Bccessed at any time without upsetting the stock. All kčyboard entries are validated, and it is impossible to crash the Spectrum while using the MONITOR comrmands. The program cassette that accompanies this book contains two versions of the MONITOR; one for the 18K Spectrum and one for the 4SK Spectrum. (f you own a 48K machine, yOu can use eithar version. DEGNI THE SPECTRUM MONITOR Occupies just over 4K of memory st tha top of memory and is not relocatable. On loading into your Spectrum, Ramtop is avtomatically reset to below the MONITOR, and shovid only be altered downwards. in other words, assumin$ YCu use the correct version for the 'nemory size your Spectrum contains, you can lower Ramtop further to Create space for your own machine code programs if you wish, but the MONITOR uses the 4K of memory immediately below the start of the User Dofinable Graphics area of RAM. [ you !oad the 18K version into a 48X Spectrum, you can use the memory above the MONITOR but 1 you move Ramtop above the MONITOR, you may run the risk of corrupting the MONITOR routines with Basic commands. f ee