-Kentila — c...: Knight's Onest- — 7 Leopard Lord % Lords of Midnight Lords of Time .. Lost Over Bermuda | € Mad Martha Mad Martha II Mountains of Ket. Murder at Manor Mysterious Fairground Odyssey of Hope 4 Oracle's Cave - "Orb Orc Slayer Paradox Perseus and Andromeda Peter Pan % Pimania Ouest % Ouetzalcoati LI Roundsby Incident Satan's Pendulum % Sherlock % Ship of Doom Solaris Spoof % Superspy System 15000 Temple of Vran Terror from The Deep The Final Mission ? Time Ovesi Titanic « Transyivanian Tower Twin Kingdom Valley "Urban Upstart € Valhalia Vampire Village Velnor's Lair Volcanic Dungeon % War of the Worids Widih of the World Ziggarat of Dread Arcade a Ad Astra Adven. of a St Bernard Alcatraz Harry a Android Two o Ant Attack » Antics Arena 300) 6 Armageddon Astroplaner o Atic Atac s Automania 9 Avalon » Base Invaders $ Battle Zone s Beach Head 9 Bear Bovver Bewarehouse o Birds and Bees Black Hawk e Biade Alky o Biue Thunder Brain Damage Bubble Buster Bubble Trouble " Bugaboo Butterfly Buzz Off " Caesar the Cat Carnival Carpet Capers " Cavelon | Centipoid Plus 3 s Cheguered Flag e Chinese Juggler ' % Chuckie Egg »Chuckman Close-in $ Codename Mat " Corridors of Genon Cruise Attack Crusoe Micromega Phipps Add-on ' Beyond Level Nine - Add-on Mikro-Gen Mikro-Gen Incentive Gemtime Buffer Micro Martech Doric. Comp. Rentals Gamma Software Runesoft Channel 8 Hodder k Stouglton ' —Automata Hewson Virgin Add-on Minatron Melbourne House Artic Sofici Runesoft Shepherd Craig Communications Incentive Add-on Incentive Mikro-Gen : RŠR Shepherd Bug-Byte Shepherd Legend Terminal Oxvicksilva Mastervision CRL Mosaic Add-on Gargoyle Games Mastertronic Mastertronic Vortex Ouicksilva Bug-Byte Microdeal Silversoft Romik Ultimate Micro-Gen — Hewson Consultants Work Force Ouicksilva US Gold Artic Positive Image Bug-Byte Creative Sparks PSS Foundry Systems Sitversofi Sinclair Arcade Ouicksilva Pulsonic Electric Mirrorsofi Eclipse Termini Ocean Orwin Sincinir. Ocean AKAF CCI/Add-on Pulsonic - Micromega New Generation Mikro-Gen Automata > SINCLAIR USER January 1985 Za NM SO AA JO "JU HO ORAM DI LI - V V VIA KEPE MAMA A -; MA ob ID Go ČA Ob 00 2 ui —i 00 CU OO ROOM MAOA di SA SEČA A S 0 A »AAJJW A MM db LA A O CE ZA RR K 9 Cyber Zone ? Daley Thompson's « Decathlon 9 Dangermouse in Double Trouble > Death Chess 5000 S Defenda % Deffendar Defusion Defusion/Worms Demon Demon Chase % Deuš Ex Machina Devil Rides In s Dimension Destructors Dinky Digger Dodge City Dr Franky and the Monster Dragonfire Drilier Tanks 8 Elektro Storm Energy 30,000 Eric and the Floaters % Eskimo Eddie € Frank N Stein "Fred " Freez Beez Froot Loop Galaxy Attack Ghost Rider » Gilligan's Gold "Glug Glug "H. Dumpty and the F. Wuzzies Harry Goes Home Hickstead ee High Noon House of Living Dead % Hunchback s Invasion Body Snatch. € jack and the Beanstalk ' Jackpot S Jet Set Willy € Killer Knight » Knight Rider " Kokotoni Wilf % Kosmic Kanga " Krakatoa s Krazy Kong "Laser Zone Laserwarp " Last Sunset Lattica Lazatron 8 Les Flics Loony Zoo % Lunar Jetman " Manic Miner % Matrix "% Maze Death Race e Maziacs Metagalactic Llamas Mission impossible Mission Omega Monkey Biznes % Moon Alert Moons of Tantalus «Mr Wimpey Mummy Mummy Munnery's Mergatroids "Night Gunner "1994 "Olympimania Orion Pat the Posiman « Pedro " Penetrator "Pi-Balled ePi-Eyed Pingo Psi-Spy "Pssst ePsytron » Pyjamarama "Pyramid , " Raider Cursed Mine Rapscallion Reactor Rescue Rescue Revenge of the Kyler | Crystal Ocean Creative Sparks Artic Interstella Mikro-Gen Incentive K-Tel Microcosm Mansfieid Automata — Mastertronic Artic Postern Phoenix Virgin Cheetahsoft Sinclair PSS Elm Sinciair Ocean PSS Ovicksilva Silversoft NTD Software Sunshine Positive Image Ocean CRL Artic Pulsonic ccs Work Force Phipps Ocean Crystal Thor Comp, Rentals Sofiware Projecis Phipps Hewson Elite Micromania Abbex PsSS Ouicksiiva Mikro-Gen Arcade Contrast PSS Phipps Ultimate Bug-Byte Salamander PSS dk'tronics Salamander Silversoft Pulsonic Artic Ocean Cornhili Ocean Lothlorien Abacus Digital Integration Vislons Automata Software Projects Mikro-Gen Beau Jolly Melbourne House Automata Automata Profisoft Postern Ultimate Beyond "Mikro-Gen Fantasy Arcade Bug-Byte Gemini Comp. Rentals Ocean ODARERM HAJA w NUMNAO SAO JOR HA HAD JO co »JA RAD OSVAAdJSS ROORDOAA JA PARO KO SID AA % HA TA MAA % 4 O "IA OI ROBOM i | ih Tomatoes " Rider "River Rescue Robot Riot » Rommels Revenge % Sabre Wuif " Scuba Dive ? Security Shelter %Skuli " Snowbali Sorcery Space Station Zebra Spectron " Spelibound 2 Splat Stagecoach Š Stop the Express 9 Sirangeloop Submarine Strike "Tank Trax Terrahawks %The Guardian "The Pyramid o The Snowman 93D Bat Attack %3D Lunattack %3D Seiddab Attack .83D Star Wars 3D Tank Duel 3D Tunnel Tiler Tim "Time Gate Timebomb s Tobor "Tornado Low Level "Tranz Am "Trashman "Travel with Trashman eTraxx e Tribbie Trubbie Trom "Tutankhamun Two-Gun Turtle eWarlock of Firetop Mountain " Wheelie Worm Attack % Worse Things Happen at SeaSilversoft € Wrath of Magra Xadom Zig-Zag 9 Zipper Flipper % Zombie Zombie " Business Account Management » System Accounts (Limited Company) Aceounis (Sole Trader) Address Fite "Address Manager Bank Accouni System Bank Verifier Business Bank Account % Cash Controller « Coilector's Pack Critical Path Analysis ' s Database DIY Book-keeping Heathplanner Home Budget Invesiment, Insurance, Information Invoicing/ Accounting Keyfile " Mastertile Micropen S Money Manager Multi-File % Omnicalc % Payroli 9 Payroli š Payroil Personal Banking System Personal Financ. Management Syst. Sales Day Book Sales Ledger Small Business Accounts Software Directory Visions Virgin Creative Sparks Silversofi Crystal Ultimate Durreil Add-on K Games Machine Level 9 Virgin Beyond Virgin Beyond Incentive Creative Sparks Sinclair Virgin Putsonic Mastertronic CRL PSS Fantasy Ouicksilva Cheetahsofit Hewson Hewson Add-on Real Time New Generation Microwish Ovicksilva CDS Add-on Vortex Ultimate New Generation New Generation Ovicksilva Sofwware Projects dk'tronics Micromania Lothtorien " ai Bb ša 0 —I — Ob RJIKRADA SMO JSANLOA OBSOJA AA O Mm x» DAB ALA CAM Penguin Microsphere Pulsonic Mastervision Ouicksilva dk'tronlcs Sinclair Ouicksilva JA ARA IMV SJ Fulwood Hestacrest Hestacrest SD Micro ocP K Gouldstone SD Micro Transform Shepherd Sinclair Hihderbay Microl RAMTOP Heath Computing Xuma Computers CA