i h t i H b H a maki " Gobbleman. Godzilla and Martians % Ground Attack o Gulpman Haunted Hedges Hoppet € Horace and the Spiders « Horace Goes Skiing e Hungry Horace o Invasion Force o |t's the Wooluf € Jet Pac e Labyrinih " Leap Frog » Light Cycle € Luna Crabs « Magic Meanies " Maze Chase % Meteor Storm Meteoroids Meteoroids % Micro Mouse HU Millypede 3 s Mined Out « Moon Buggy % Mr Wong's Loopy Laundry % Muncher Nanas e Orbiter s Ostron % Pengy 6 Pitman Seven % Pianetoids Proteus Rapedes Repulsar e Rider Road Toad Robot Panic Sam Spade Santa » Sentinel Shark Attack Sheer Panic » Slippery Sid Space Fighter e Space Intruders Space Lanes se Space Raiders e Space Zombies Spec. Frogs/ Showdown e Spec. Gobbleman » Spec. invaders a Spec. Invasion Force 4 Spec. 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Series Learn Basic Learning Read 1 Linear Programming Marks Book Maths Invaders Maths Tutor Matrix Operations Money Night Sky O Level Maths O Level Physics Paddington's Shopping Mix- up Pathfinder Potynomials Pre/early school cassettes Primary Arithmetic Punetuation Pete Regression Self-teach Program Shape Sorter Special Agent Speltbin Use and Learn Language % Beta Basic Practical 4 Biorythms % Countries of the World Cyele Planner Map of tke UK Shopping List Spectasort Puzzle Flippit € Hanoi King Lojix % Nowotnik Puzzle Ouazar Simulation Air Traffic Controller Airliner 4 Golf Golf % NightFlite Print Shop Pro-Golf Strategy 8 Auto Chef Bip Match Soccer e Dallas | e Dictator Farmer Football » Heathrow Las Vegas Ovincy Traditional % Backgammon Bridge Tutor Bridgemaster ' Challenge Gambling Tape Las Vegas Odds-on ' Othello % Pinball ' Pool e Reversi Roulette Solo Whist Spec. Microchesg Lerm Startersoft Soft Cottage Collins Granada Micro Master Tutorial - Poppy Longman University Rose Collins Glasson Micro Master Logic 3 Poppy University Lerm Steli AD Software University Poppy Bridge Homestudy Homestudy Collins Widget University Essex Rose Heinemann University Anvii Widget Heinemann Startersofi ' Micro] Betasoft Spectrasoft Hewson Medidala Kuma SD Spectadraw Sinclair Contrast Virgin Phipps Rose Hewson Protek RŠSR Virgin Hewson CCS Hornby ccs Winters CCS dk'tronics o CCS Winters Hewson Temptation Severn Hewson CP Software Serin Tempiation Dymond Temptation RSD . CP Software Winters . Bug-Byte Sinclair Newsofi Video Soft. 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Black Crystal Black Dwari's Lair Black Planet Buffer Adventure Byte Castle Castle Biackstar Circus "Classic Adventure " Colditz Colossal Caves Cry Wolf! Demon Lord Detective € Devils of Deep " Diamond Ouest » Diamond Trail Dragonsbane e Dungeon Master Dungeons of Doom e Espionage Island a Everest Ascent Eye of Bain € Fantasia Diamond Frog Face . " Golden Apple Gorgon 4 Halis of Things < Hampstead ' Here comes the sun " Hobbit , Hole Horror Atoil e Inca Curse laferno » Invincible Island Island "Isjand. . Jericho Road Jungle Adventure SINCLAIR USER January 1985 ceCS Add-on Abersoft Contrast Beau Jolly Add-on Virgin Mastervision New Soft Phipps Buffer Micro cCS Bug-Byte SCR' Channel 8 Melbourne House Phipps CP Software Add-on MCE Arcade Shepherd ces Gilsoft Ouicksilva Crystal Comp. Temptation Artic Sheperd Artic Hewson Positive Image Artic Phipps Crystal Comp. Melbourne House Aliigata Meibourne House Add-on Add-on Artic Shepherd Shepherd Crystal Virgin -Shards > ccSs ». . 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