Software Directory SINCLAIR USER January 1985 Mi. Mouse goes de-bugging Lothlorien 7 nač Maze Death Race. PSS ! Traditional Maze Man Abersoft « Do Not Pass Go : Work Force . Mazogs Bug-Byte 8 Lynehmob Bridge 6 Micro Mouse Lothlorien 7 Original Superchess CP Software ki Namtir Raiders Artic 8 Tai PSS . Night Gunner Digital integration s Tenpin m Pbipps . Puckman Hewson « — ZX IK Chess Artic bi Pon ug. Rocket Man Software Farm ; 2X Compendium Mastervision 7 4. umora vo Sabotage Sinclair 6 ZX-Chessi Artic ki VZ ZUUŽLMA MIZA Si PRA 4 Six Games A Stubbs 5 Utility Space Raiders Sinclair ki G ; ie G s Space Rescue D. Pinch 7 raphics IPA z s : p ine Graphics Toolkit JRS 9 . x If we have reviewed a program we have given it a Space Trek JRS . HI Resolution CRL 6 3D Monster Maze New Generation 9 ; rating known as the Gilbert Factor, named after our ,,.« Games Cassette MeGraw Hill 8 Machine Code Test Tool '— OCP " Software editor, John Gilbert. That factor includes 7, man se se rami 8 MCoder PSS 8 clarity of instructions, speed of operation, ease of use, 7X |nvasion Force Attic » — Programme Enhancemeni NU originality, lasting appeal, use made of graphics and 7X Panic Selec g Paekare R sad R . sound, and success in accomplishing stated aims. ZX-81 1K Games Pack Crystal 9 Renumiber Dele Work Force ZX-81 Pocket Book Phipps ». Irace Texgate 7 š k ZX Compiler Silversoft . ZX-87 UE SEE Business ZX Sereenkit Picturesgue " Accounts (Limited company) Hestacrest k za Remload ulnrezgje K Accounts (Sole Trader) Hestacrest s "Bug rtic A dven ture Business Bank Account Transform « — ZX-sideprint Microsphere a Adventure Bug-Byte 6 — Critical Path Analysis Hilderbay 6 ZXAS Bug-Byte , Adventure Gavin Barker 6 Draft Myrmidon » ZXDB Bug-Byte ' Adventure 1 Abersofi 6 Mailing List Hestacrest . Black Crystal Mastervision 7. Payroli Hilderbay " Dungeons of Doom Woosoft % Payroll Soft Tech . . Espionage Island Arltic , pasroli VAH Computing 'B SPEC TRUM ri 1,4 . kaka Gulch oki H Personal Banking System Hilton ki " nca Curse inclatr Purchase Ledger Hestacrest ki Knight's Ouest Phipps ". Sales Day BOKE Transform . Adventure Lost Island JRS "— Sales Ledger Hestacrest x. o Android One Vortex . Magic Mountain Phipps ". Texi Contrast 8 Escape New Generation 8 Merchant of Venus Crystal 7 » Mines of Saturn/Return to ., Pharoah's Tomb Phipps % Educa tion Earth Mikro-Gen bi Pimania Automata 6 Binary Brains Pooter 5 Moria Severn " Secret Valley New Sofi %. — Calpac 1-2 Calpac "6 Planet of Death Artic 6 Serpents Tomb Vortex "4. — Four Rules of Number Micro Master " — Secret Valley New Soft bi Ship of Doom Artic 7 Integration University 8 The Great Western New Soft bi The Great Western New Soft " — Intermediate English 1-2 Rose ".— Time Bandits New Soft: ki Tirne Bandits New Soft » — Intermediate Maths 1-2 Rose . Tomb of Dracula Felix % — Language Devel. Series Glasson . Ar ca de Trader Trilogy Ovicksilva 6 Language Devel. Series Micro Master » s Aguarius Bug-Byte 6 Volcanic Dungeon Mastervision 5 Linear Programming University » e Arcadia Beau Jolly 5 Worid of Iilusions Contrast 4 Matrix Operations University 7 rem Š K rege 6 O Level Chemistry Calpac Mi Ssassin Spectrasoit Arca de O Level French Revisiom Rose 4 o Avenger Abacus s Alien Dropout Silversoft ".— O Level Maths Revision : '— Rose » — Baron Temptation a Asteroids Silversoft 8% Polynomials University s Base Invaders Imagination " Asteroids Software Farm 6 Primary Arithmetic Rose » S Black Hole Ovest 6 Astral Convoy Vortex : Regression University « eBlind Alley Sunshine 7 Bank Robber Romik 6 | Seli-teach Program Anvil ».. — Bug Blaster Crystal ki Bears in the Wood Unicorn 6 Casseite A Orwin k Bubble Bugs Romik 6 Language 9 Caterpillar CDS . Byter Protek ".— Forih Sinclair Cavern Fighter Bug-Byte 4 Casseite 1 Orwin 7. ZX Forth Artic Centi-Bug dk'tronics . Cassette 2-5 Orwin 7 s Children's Compendium Dymond K City Patrol Sinclair 7 P, (4 acti cal K »City Defence Mikro-Gen . Damper Ovicksilva 7. Ephemeris Bridge e Colour Clash Romik 4 Defenda Ouicksilva g Football Pools Hartland « Cookie Ultimate . Door Slammer Cathedral 7. Poolster Naigram 4 Cosmic Gueriila Crystal 8 Forty-Niner Software Farm 9 Puzzle Crazy Cranes Voyager 5 Frogey DJL 7 Nowotnik Puzzle Phipps x — Creepy Crawler Mikro-Gen a Fuli-screen Breakout New Generation Z w " ps Crevasse and Hotfoot Microsphere 7 h h ord Fit Ram Writer Net . Galactic Trooper Romik 6 n - » Cruising Sunshine 4 Galaxians Ovicksilva 6 Simulation »Cyber Rats Silversofi 7 Galaxy Jailbreak Romik 6 — Flight Simulation Sinclair 6 "Death Chase Micromega 6 Games 2 JRS ".— Pilot Hewson 7 Demolition Comp. Rentals ki Games Tape 1 J K Greye ". — Print Shop ces » — Destroyer Winters . Games Tape 2 J K Greye 2: Di-lithium Lift Hewson 3 (Games Tape 3 J K Greye s S tr. a teg y "Digger Dan Ocean a Gamestape 1 Fawkes Computing 7 Airline ccs 7 Doombugs Work Force 8 Glooper Ouicksilva 7" Auto Chef ccS 7 Dymonoids Dymond s Gloops Ovuicksilva 5 Battleships JRS ". oEarih Defence Artic 5 Gobbleman Artic ". — Conflici Martech 7 Ed-On Add-On 4 Gobbler Software Farm "« — Cyborg Wars Stratagem 7 8 Eskimo Eddie Ocean « Grand Prix dk'tronics " — Dallas CCS 6 Family Games Pack Hornby . Gulp 2 ' Campbell » — Dictator Bug-Byte 71 Fireflash Abacus bj Hang Glider S Electronics 6 Farmer ccSs ? aFroge DJE 7 Hickstead ces 5 Fighter Pilot Digital integration S e Fruit Machine dk'tronics 6 High-resolution lnvaders Odyssey ". — Footbali Manager Addictive Games 7 oe Galactians dk'tronics . Invaders - Abersofi ".— Fort Apache Contrast 8 o Galactic Trooper Romik 3 Invaders Bug-Byie 5 Galaxy Conflict Martech 8 Galactic Warriors Abacus 6 Invaders Odyssey 8 Great Britain Lid Hessel ". s Galaxians Artic 6 Iavaders Selec 7. Ocean Trader Ovicksilva 7 eGhost Hunt PSS 2: Invaders Silversofi "« — Pioneer Trail Ovicksilva 7 sGnasher Mastertironic 4 Krazy Kong PSS » — Racehorse Trainer; G Barker 6 a Gobble-a-Ghost CDS ki continued on page 196