ATRIX is one of those rare but M excellent routines in which the Computer answers back. It is g game of strategy reguiring you to move a flashing cursor across a matrix of .« numbers, collecting the highest avail- able values by hitting the 0 key. The restrictions are that you can move only horizontally and that you Must avoid giving the Computer, which moves vertically, any access to the high numbers. The winner is the player with the highest score when more moves are impossibie. Instructions and prompts are contained within the game and a Tunning score is kept. The computer plays very well, obvi- ously in its element with the reguisite ntmber-crunching, and in our tests it managed to win more often than not. An interesting and original listing from T J Marrow of Wirral, Mersey- side. ; In our listing, lower-case leiters signi- fy inverse video except when inside brackets, when they are graphic instruc- tions. (16K ZX-81) 1 PRIHT AT 16,16; TRIM" ' P PRIHT AT 1?,6,"gy JEMES. MAR ROKIH € PRIHT giT 20,4; "DO VOJ HAKNT INSTRUCTIONSTY. 9 IHFUT Jg 18 IF LJšič ] že"yo THEH ZOTO ZGGg 11 ČiLS 12 PRIHT IT 16.5;"KO pm I FLA ING MITH?" .13 PRINT AT 13,75" IMPUT YOJR MFME 5" z 14 IHPUT bi 15 69 16 IF LEM Nic THEH COTO 19 17 PRIMT AT 13,35 "YOUR KRME IS TOO LONG," 18 GOTO 14 19 PRINT ST 10,2; "EXCIJSE ME kIH ILE I SET UP", Tag 6; "THE BOARD, V3NS 20 REM sshuffle board Pisces Ži LET LPag MC imivep se MEH 160 THE BEST OF SINGLAIR PROGRAMS Spring/Summer 1984