puzzle answers e 15 nam and message program MINPUTNS O, €, PRINT »HOW ARE YOU" Page 17 1. Sums program . Tables program v 7 Sodi 9% PRINT A;" TIMES ";B;" IS ",AxB 4% PRINT A:" DIVIDEDBY ";B;" IS" ,A/B alterations - ) PRINT "WHAT IS YOUR NAME" Page 18 Sums program 0 PRINT "WHAT IS 7 TIMES 7" ) INPUT A 0 IF A-49 THEN PRINT "CORRECT" ) IF A<>49 THEN PRINT "NO":7x7 f You need a semi-colon after the - guotes, like this. dage 19 Je guessing game place line 30 and add a new line 35: IF G<14 THEN PRINT "O LD HAN THAT je IF G>14 THEN PRINT "YOUNGER THAN THAT" UN "me Page 23 Plotting counter 5 LET C-0 45 LET C<-Ct] 50 IF C<6 THEN GOTO 10 Plotting your initial Here is an example of a program to plot Page 24 Random numbers The formula for a random number between 10 and 20 would be INT(RND(1)x 11-4-9). On computers which need only a number in bracketsafter 20 so you need to pick random numbers between | and ll, thenadd 9. Page 25 Space attack These are the lines you need to addto count the number of hits: 1$ LET S—0 15 IF X—AxB THEN LET S-<-S:]1 95 PRINT "YOU HIT " Page 27 1. Eight times table 10 PRINT "THE EIGHT TIMES TABLE" 20 FOR J