nc ramming tips Error messages | ma, p Two pageS there are some Writing programs 'There are usually several different a a dat jski pa MAbcip you write yourowTI | ways to write a program and some of program and the messages are explained MA ms. anda list of the most eri ihe computer them may be neater and shorter than in the computer's manual. Here are some s ton budgs y0U might gel, and can Carry Cut three mainactivities: others. When you are writing a long of the most cormnmon messages you may s, bv hkel : z e | program it is a good idea to divide it up get iEfuses them The most likely simple instructions, repeating things JE of sections with subrcutines SEJ havea | and making decisions. These are the | into lotsof to Hi Sčere listed first. sO if you ha Ons. carry out each activity. The central core 4 This means there are not gla which will not work. building blocks of all programs. ; ofthe program may bea simple seto! Outof enough data items for the čičihrough this list until you find instructions, decisions and repeats data computer to read in the a« which controls when and how often the DATA lines. lt may be computer carrjes out the subroutines. because you have missed out a comma between two items, so the computer has read them as one Calculating p The line with the number given in a GOTO or GOSUB 4 statement does not exist. žolna REPEATING Wi FORJ-! TO 6 You may have accidentally THINGS 3 Getting mo: erased the line by typing in 20 LET A-l | information another line with the same number, or you may have 30 IFA< 10 THEN just mistyped the number Mlortyping mistakes in BASIC words. u misspel one of these words the puter will not recognize il. No such 4 You may get this report oj variable on a BBC or Sinclair computer. lt usually means you have not set upa variable with a line such as LETC<0ao LETC:-"" before using it. Na xa ck Os and Os and Is and Is to make have typed the right ones inthe s ac Last word Some bugs ale VETy (the computer v Make sure you use the correct RND, PLOT and CLS commands for the computer. Check, too, that you have giventhe TOME - ej Make sure you have not lef out er, makesure zrači guotation marks, or the commas between NE — Mave a Sinclair comput da peda word in letter by data items. Check complicated lines es pressing the key for that which have lots of symbols especially computer a general graphics line ifit carefully. needs one.