M iking space for variables eat This is (he size IM/KS(s) J—— OR I-l TO 5 Le. 5 items in a TOw. JATA DOG, CAT, FROG, BUG Printing out the data Pra 1 ST A-O LET B-0 NE A-6 THEN STOP ( (41 ASA) MLET N-INT(RND(l)44- 1) PRI B$B,N) ME B-3 THEN GOTO 250 ME/B-5 THEN GOTO 250 ' FN root p compute needs these lines to print the dat lines and words in the right TI his program does not work in its METE way. ka as j , tie is DOG. | sa 19906): of the vanable, o sti ] Thus line puts the data in K$ REA . no each time the loop is repeated. You must always have the right number of data items for the variable or you get a bug. ML, A keeps count of the number of times this NET A-A1 ——— — section of the program is repeated. B keeps count of the data word rows and Baza makes sure that the correct row is used with [LET B-Bi1 J—————— — eachdata line. Lines 280 and 290 make the computer print out words from another data word row before This sends the computer back to print the next data line. 'GoTo 22 ] —— —— F linclair computers and variables For two-dimensiona] arrays you have to characters. For instance, A$(2, 4 TO6) zm ( A$(7 TO 9) btella Sinclair computer to pick outa Trucula: data item from a variable you | o characters. All the rows in the array The complete funny poems program Now you can put the parts of the program together and write the complete poetry program. The first part of the program (lines 10 to 190) give the computer the data and the second part (lines 200 to 310) prints out the poem. Each time you run the program you get a diflerent version of the poem because the random number N makesthe computer pick different words. 10 DIM A$(5) I—— Lines 10 and 20 tell the computer how much space to leave [or 20 DIM B$(7,4) the variables - a row of S for A$ and 7 rows of 4 lor B$. 30 FOR I