raphs and sym bols Birthdays program | S This program uses another way to display information on the screen lt uses symbols to can program a computer lo presen! informaton inall kinds of | teren! ways. (Or instance, as Words, numbers, picturesor gra phs compare the number of people who were born in different seasons of the year. You ni! could use a program like thus to compare, say, sightings of a certain bird in different plicated informalon can be made much easier to understand ifyou seasons, or the number of wins of different football teams. Before writing a long strate 1! with graphs, pictures and symbols. program like this it is a good idea to write a program plan. Program plan Rim: To compare the number of people with birthdays in winter, spring, summer and With a computer it is very easy to drawa graph of the way Y changes in relationto his can be expressed as an eguation, say X. To plot the graph you need to findthe aginea peach tree whose yield of fruit »ases each year in relahonto itsage. 3X42(Y istheyieldand X istheage).lt valueofY for each value ofX. You cando hard to grasp what this means, though, this very easily in a program using the d drawing a graph would help. statement LET Y—3"X--2. 1. Give the computer the data (i.e. the seasons when the people were born) fora survey of 20 people. 2. Store the data in the computer. 3. Present the data on the screen. The program In this graph the maximum value forX is14 and the maximum value This isthe grap for Y<3X12. 5 CLS 5 LET A-0 10 FOR X-l TO 14 for Y is3x144-2. a Empty variables ready to — | 20 LET Y-3aXt2 a use lor running totals lor 30 PLOT (X,Y) 8 LET D 4% NEXT X 10 FOR 50 END 20 PRINT "PERSON ";1;" WAS BORN IN" | 30 PRINT "WINTER, SPRING, SUMMER OR AUTUMN" survey his is the program for drawing this calculate Y andline 30 plots X and Y onthe 40 PRINT "TYPE W, SP, SU OR A" pap The loop sets X at all the values screen. In graphs programs, you must 50 INPUT B$ om | to 14. Eachtime the loop is make sure the maximum values for Xand 60 IF B$<"W" THEN LET AsAt]l Lines 60 to 100 check the answer epeated, line 20 uses the value ofX to Y will fit on the screen or you will get a bug. 710 IF B$<"SP" THEN LET B-B4] in B$ and add one to the variable 80 IF B$<"SU" THEN LET C-Ct] lor that season. 90 IF B$-'A" THEN LET DsDtl omputers and maths 100 NEXT | JN ISTE — Sends computer back to repeat guestion. n calculations which have several ir LET N