Making loops You often need the coniputer lo do the same thina several umes ina program On page 2] you can see how to make 1 repeat partola program asmma GOTOanda variable which acts asa counter Another way is to TOand repeat tne same lines several times usina the words FOR NEXT This is called making a loop l Hello loop 10 FOR J-l TO 6 (za PRINT "HELLO" ) looP 30 NEXT ] 40 END This program has a loop from nes l0to 30 which makes the computer repeat line 20 six times. The letterjisa vanable and line 10 tells the computer toset] at l onthefirst run through the program. 2 the next ume, then 3, etc., up to 6. Line 20 tells it to print the word 2 Silly sums program hello and line 30 tells it to go backand find the next value for]. Whenj-6the computer goes on to line 40. — Loop / Some computers 10 FOR J<1 TO 8 do not havean % PRINT "2 PLUS 2 IS 5" and you can leave itout. | sum. After doing it eight timesthe computer carries on with the rest ofthe program. Line 40 just makes it leavean empty line. In tus program, the loop from hnes l0to 30 makes the computer repeat line 20 eight times. Each ume it passes through hne 20 it prints out the same silly 3 Eight times table program l0 PRINT "THE EIGHT TIMES TABLE" 20 FOR J