LANA — rr mra m m Nama aa NR ME (| Www sad s 2 a 8 5. aatomoalj a o. ? H hnannsj " aaa. 0 a .. | | 'Playing garios Space attack | | | e, PI | y % [| de 9, hi" V; This is a program for a game using m . z. ZEN When you thtrow a pair of dice you cannot The computer contains a special divi... /- SA | 9. da predict what the numbers will be. The program for producing random numbers. bo ANJE ee nk Mom SE z» —stah x 4 NIŠI ua chances are egual that the numbers will Sometimes it repeats the same number 2/1 A01ET C.0 —— Me II, pene be anything from one to six. You can several] times, but in seguences of lotsof ANAL produce unpredictable numbers ona random numbers, the number of times computer. They are called random each number is picked is about even. numbers. 4 PRINT RND .662741814 PRINT RND(99) 77 RN ZZ RN (0) D(1) Y 4 KL šim in PORAMI pe V To make the computer produce a random The RND instruction always producesa number you use the word RND. Some number below one. On some computers computers needa | or 0 in brackets after you can put a number in brackets after the word. If you have a computer, check RND, e.g. RND(99). This makes it produce your manual for the correct command. a whole number between | and the number in brackets. Or RND(0), or RND(1) on some RUN ALJEN SHIP'S CODES a - ALIEN SHIP DESTROYED ALIEN SHIP'S CODES ARE 13 6 FIRE 10 LET X-INT(RND(l)430- 1) 20 LET Y