A Le aa NUEUEY SS i oven uda ph banao. st sa Bo biza m nas] | PE EH li: PLOT command varleson diHerent computers. - . Brnu avcan You have to press NEWLINE or RETURN after inputting each number Adding1to X f and not to Y On some | | plots a horizonta ine — m daeY . PLOT(20,30) SET 20,30 or v. h ERA be 3 ča 4 Adding 1to Y and not to X plots a vertical line. 4 4 4 . NI EIB a ŠE . VIM a am prak URANA JOURANINJ (IN? — PE VEEbAFI " bi H 4 2 s . | zni VON can m ke the: VK vii a J z. . 1 t ' Wo sa KRE a! na zz o pm on h o a vsa X-8,Y--10 moves picture up and leh. Remember - some "Wi | computersneeda I4W RESET 20,30 8 general graphics HE instruction. picture —< Aher writing the program it is easy to >ompuicaled on mi You canalso switch a pixel off witha change the picture by altering the »gujprmeri such as a graphics tak command such as UNPLOT (X, Y). Inthe numbers. You can move it to a diflerent Pla ing on the tabletund trace programsin this book we use PLOT and place on the screen by changing the AE a specia] device c leda. >- UNPLOT. H you have a computer check starting values, or multiply all the numbers m za ka automaticaliy read lihe word MODE with a number." these commands in your manual. by three to make an "exploded image". VFor the programs in this book use MODE 5 on the BBC micro with the plot command PLOT69, X, Y. A | m TV ZO NE NE JE TINE MPa | For unplotting use PLOT 71, X Y. program 1 miss? Žšiat iadžaci Gl kani naši uda ža aaa