uterranovt bžtu uha 93. 4 risi ,. d "4 TR RE ne TA VEM | a aaa aa ME Re boža | Using INPUT Poetry writing program ) Ano!her way to gwe the computer data Is with the word Now you know enough BASIC to write a poem on a computer. Here is a poetry wnting PINPUT1 Thislets you put in informaton while the program program which uses PRINT and INPUT %asrunning and you can use different data each time O EEA Vodo You run the program 20 INPUT NS 30 PRINT "A POEM BY" Thus hne pnnts 40 PRINT N$ I—— Out your name. 50 PRINT "TYPE IN A WORD" 60 PRINT "THAT RHYMES WITH ME" 10 INPUT A$ 80 PRINT "HERE IS THE POEM" 90 PRINT "COMPUTERS USED TO FRIGHTEN ME" | 100 PRINT "BUT NOW [M HAPPY AS A" 110 PRINT A$ — You use INPUT with alabelsuchas A fora printing a guestion mark, or other symbol, 120 END number and A$ for a stnng. Whenthe On the screen. Then you type in the data s computer meets the word INPUT ina and the computer stores it in the memory please asane sa . ei go skali rd program it puts the label on a memory space and goes on with the rest of the | space and asks you for the data, usually by program. The program makes the computer askyou thepoematline 110. Ifyou havea your name, then store your reply in N$and computertry running the program lots of 1 print it outat line 40. It stores the word you umes, inputting different words at line 70. choose in A$, then prints it out as partof You haveto ress NEWLINE ou cannot put fter each input. a stringin umber variable. A Checklist for typing in programs 1. Before typing ina new program type NEW. This clears any old programs and variables out of the computer's memory. 2. When you are typing in the program, remember to press NEWLINE, or your computer's word, at the end of eachline. 3. After typing in the program, check all the lines on the screento see if there are typing mistakes. Make sure none ofthe linesare missing, too. 4. Next you can type CLS (or your computer s word) to clearthe program ofi the screen. Then type RUN to start the program. H 5. To getthe program listing back again to check it or alter aline, 4 type LIST. To display one particular line you canusually type LIST with the line number, but check this command as it varies slightly on different computers. shows what happens when you prints another guestion mark forthe | an tle katol ina srka INPUT instruction in line 20. This tme you —. meetsthe word INPUT in line 10it printsa have to type in words or symbols as the | —. guestion mark on the screen and waits for label B$ told the computer to expecta | u it string. | youto type in a number for G. Then | You typeyour Še [- k name here, then pro ie. press NEWLINE. b | | 6. To stop the program while it is running type BREAK or 4 ing in this in the sample run above. Try it lots of umes | | A a rang RUNto star ESCAPE Check his comnan in vr manual, though ane oanioiki Nu ov (or the program again each time. The as it varies on different computers. On some computers ESCAPE wipes the whole program out of the computer's J what you ' information, type in your name andage,or Computer always prints exacily j memory. To start the program again type RUN. a silly name and crazy number, as shown putin N$andA.