To make the computer do something, you have to type in an instruction it understands. This instruction can be a direct command which it carnes out The instructions in a program have to be very carefully worked ou:. The computer will attempt to carry out your instructions precisely, even if they are wrong. 1O1H1OLNOOI VOOOL1O1OMOLO LLOOIOLIHOLOM | | Al] the work inside the computer is done with a code of tiny pulses of electricity. Your instructions are translated into '.. computer code by a special program inside the computer called the interpreter. ui o gong onone——ee ee oe oo oe vz-z»7-—Ž—o —Yr i WANT THE COMPUTER TO DO THIS LATER ON J0 PRINT "TMREE ROBOTS ARE FANTASTIC'" 4% END : straight away, or it can be a programof instructions which it stores in its memory and does not carry out until you give itthe go-ahead. v, 4 vs »y: A A 4 The computer cannot understand instructions written in our language, so you have to write them in one of the many computer languages. Some ofthese languages are described opposite. Each piece of information in computer code is represented by patterns of pulses. Computer code can be written down using | to represent a pulse and 0 to show there is no pulse. Computer languages You could write programs in computer code but it would be very difficult. Instead, there are special computer languages, called high level languages, which the computer can translate into its own code. There are hundreds of different high level languages, many of them specially designed to do one particular kind of work. BASIC is one of the most common languages. The letters stand for Beginner's All-purpose Symbolic Instructon Code. Itis not just used by beginners though. Below there are examples of three different languages. This is a short program in This program is written in This is a language called BASIC. Line 10 tellsthe Pascal, a language named PILOT. It is used to write computer to print "Whatis aftera famous French programs to help people your name" onthescreen. mathematician. Itis partofa learn new subjects. In tus Then the computer stores program to work out details language, the computer can your answer in its memory recognize answers even if and if your name is Brian or they are not exactly right. George, it prints outa message to you. At first glance, computer languages seem very strange and difficult, but then, so do other languages such as the Finnish shown on the right, until you get to know them. There are lots of other subjects too, in which special languages are used. For "Minus fifteen I guess. "TMTAA OLLA VUISITOISTA ASTETTA PAKKASTA" formulae which would need alot of ordinary words to explain them and other kinds of notation are used to write down chess moves or music.