m m mm MB 4 sa v ne pa tai . ——- ke im MR 4 ow a computer works 'can doall kinds of different things witha pono zlat, na nputer You can draw pictures. write funny poetry, whereall the work is done, andthe graphs, play games and do lotsof things with memory where programs and data are ds and numbers, some of them useful and some Hor fun. A computer is sometimes descnbed as "information processor" Its taskisto če the information you give it, work a itaccording to your instructions id show you the results Inside a micro | | make a computer do what you want work on is called data. The program hasto stored. When you switch off the mi 4 haveto mašni precise be wnitten in a language, such as BASIC, allthe inf | nin RAM is lost but, instructions. A list of instructions for a that the computer can understand, and it pr— m... the ROM ia computer is called a program" andthe must follow all the rules of the language — EJ ODER. information you give the computer to too. iii