laic2 parameters are treated like loca. variaDles ačd, lie tnese variačies, tne Gate" ipura-aa- 15 cecareC tne higher address it has in Meč2';. Howevo: uniima varialies, tne l7.est NOTR his"est) adoress 1s fixed and this 1s fixed at ilX?2: e.g. PROCEDVRE testli ' REAL; j : INTESER), then: Oj (allocated first) is atIX»2 and IX»3, i is at IXe4, IX%5, IX6, and IXe7, Variatle parameters are treated just like value parameters ercept that tney are always allocaced I bytes and these 2 bytes contain the address of tne variable e.g. PROCEDVRE testli ' INTEGER; VAR x ' REAL); IDENT DE PERNE JE JN PE PI, TN NE m RE nara mne oe then: — Gi) the reference to x is placed at IX?2 and IX»3; these locations contain tne adcress wnerd z is pe stored. The value of i is at IXe4 and IX»5. Betumed vales of functions are placed above tne first parameter 1 memory 8.4. ! FVNCTZON testti : INTIGER) ' REAL; H then i is at IX"2 and IX?3 and space is reserved čor tne returied valueat 2X», ZX-7, IX-> imi | IX-7, | pon OVO VERI REN aortni Davorina po go sne NI oovj :o