A 5.2 Variable Storage a: U,ntime, There are $ cases where tne user needs information on how vamadjes are storec at run time! a. cizbal var:adles - declared in the main prozram diczk, D. Local varsadles - dezlared in an inner block. C. Parameters and - passed to and from procedures and returned values. functions, E These individual cases are disovssed below and an example of how to use this information may de found in appendix 4. Glszal variables Gicbal variables are allocated from the top of tne runtime stack GOwNmArcs 8.5, if the runtime stazk is at 25000 and tne mam program variables are; se z 6 JAR i ; INTESER cn : CHAR; x : REAL; : - then: i (which ocnugies 2 Dytes - see the previous section) wili De stored at locations LE0JO-T and Č5000-1 i.e.at ŽAFFE and LAFFF, ch (1 byte) will be stored at location LAFFE-1 i.e. at LAFFD. z ($ dytes) wil] be placed at LATF9, LAFFA, LAFFZ anc LAFFC, MO var:azles cannot De acressed via the stack very easily:so, insteaz, tte 1X recister iz set Ly jat tne beginning of cami inner block so that GX-4) poirts te the start or tn: zlozk': izčal vana2ies 2.9 Mo ane nav « TITLE o nad V Zoo test, VaR ij ai SO -. one H Hi O A RA h a NON 9% m no m PN PEJT NEVIN m PV VOV Je APNO AE O OPA NI V V MJ O O zn a me am then! i (nteger - so 2 bvrtes) will De placed at IX-3-2 and ii ice. IX-4 ane IX-5, j wšl be placed at IX-S ana IX-7, Paračoto-e and returne? valu 8