O pa ooo ono > Mo lema omen So, rememdering that Hl. and DE are used tc Pzic rea! nurders, tnen we wCUl2 nave t2 li. registers in the following way to represent each Of tne aževe Numdersi ž Z 1 E -12.5 8 0.1 S LD LO LD Lo Lo LO Lo LO HL,£4000 DE,£0100 HL,£4000 DE,£0000 HL,£E400 DE,£0300 HL,E6666 DE, EFCl64 The last example shows why calovlations involving binary fractions can be inacvurate; 0,1 caarst ta acoyrately represented as a binary fraction, to a finite number of detumal places, N.B, Reals are stored in memory in the order ED LH, A 2.].2 erords and Arrays. s Records use the same amount of storage as the mam of their comzonents, Arrays: if nznumber of elements in te array and SxSize Of vact element then the number of bytes ocrupied by the array is nis, 6.4. an ASNRAY[1..10J OF INTEGER reguires 1022 2 20 bytes an ARRAT[2.l2,1.10] OF CHaž nas 114105110 elements and so reguires :10 byres. A 3; l ei Set3. Sets are stored as bit strings and so if the base type 'tas n siements then the aumničer of bytes | used is; Wn-1) DIV 8" |. Exampies: aSs7 OF CHAR reguires (2546-1) CIV2t1) z a SET OF (blue, green, yellow) regulres (3-1) DIV:Se,1] s ' dv: 2,1,4 Poin'ters, Pointers omupy 2 bytes whizh contain the address (in Intel format i.e, iow dyte first! of variazle to which they point, . 49